An American Tradition
Since 1905, Grumbacher has been a brand trusted by students, professors, art conservationists, and professional artists throughout the United States. We lead the way by setting strict standards for quality and performance for our materials in service to the art materials industry. These standards of excellence have resulted in the Grumbacher brand becoming an American tradition.
We take great satisfaction in knowing that artists trust our brand when creating their artwork. Our multi-media products, educational services, and online artist community exemplify Grumbacher’s commitment to growing and adapting to the ever-changing environment of the fine art and graphic art industries.
Acquired in 2006, the Grumbacher brand is owned by Chartpak, Inc., a creative products company committed to adhering to the impeccable standards set by Max Grumbacher. Chartpak Inc. welcomes the responsiblity for ensuring Grumbacher’s continued legacy as an American tradition.
We take pride in being an American company and a leader in the industry, for those who "practice art in all its branches." - Max Grumbacher.
The Grumbacher Product Line
Watercolor, Mixed Media, and Acrylic Fine Art Papers
American made professional oil colors.
American made oil colors that thin and clean up with water.
American made professional watercolors.
An American made collegiate line of oil color.
An American made collegiate line of acrylic color.
An American made collegiate line of Watercolor.
A chung king hog bristle brush line for oils.
A natural black hog bristle brush line for oils.
A golden taklon brush line for oils and acrylics.
A golden taklon brush line for watercolors.
A line of mix synthetic filament brushes for oil and acrylic.
A mixed diameter nylon line of brushes for oil and acrylic.
A collegiate line of synthetic brushes for a range of painting media.
A collegiate line of hog bristle brushes for oil colors.
A collegiate line of synthetic brushes for oil and acrylic.
A collegiate line of synthetic brushes for watercolor.
A collegiate line of goat and pony hair brushes for watercolor.